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BBM for Android and iPhone Sudah bisa!

Dear Pengguna Android Versi Android Jelly Bean
Horeeee!!! Sekarang Android anda sudah bisa mendownload Blackberry Messenger, tapi kudu versi Jelly Bean. dibawah itu seperti nya belum bisa. Pagi ini saya menerima email dari Blackberry (dibawah ini). Selamat mendownload. Taruh blackberry anda dan beralihlah ke Samsung Android versi Jelly Bean di toko terdekat.
Salam Hangat,
Petrus Hepi Witono
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----- Original Message -----
From: BlackBerry
Sent: Tuesday, October 22, 2013 6:38 AM
Subject: BBM for Android and iPhone is here!

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BBM for Android and iPhone is here!
We promised you'd be the first to know when BBM™ for Android™ and iPhone® is available. We're excited to announce that the rollout has resumed!

Due to incredible demand there is a line-up to start using BBM. But, since you took the time to sign up in advance, we'd like to give you the chance to start using BBM on Android or iPhone right away without having to wait in line.
Here's what to do to get past the line-up:
1. Visit from your iPhone or Android browser to download BBM.
2. Once the BBM app has been installed, open it.
3. When asked to "Enter your email address to check if you can start using BBM", use the email address this message was sent to.
4. Get started with setting up BBM.
Note to iPhone users: Apps can take up to a few hours to appear in the App Store so if you don't see it right away, it will be there soon.
BBM™ App Store Google Play
Android 4.0 and iOS 6 or higher is required. Tablet devices not supported. Data plan required. Please check with your service provider for availability, costs and restrictions.

This message was sent by or on behalf of BlackBerry.

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BlackBerry has a long-standing policy of protecting customer privacy. Please take a moment to read the BlackBerry Privacy Policy found here.

© 2013 BlackBerry. All rights reserved. BlackBerry®, BBM™, and related trademarks, names and logos are the property of BlackBerry Limited and are registered and/or used in the U.S and other countries around the world. Apple, the Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc.


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