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Showing posts from March 22, 2013

Teman Reuni: Nikahan Ruth Triyana Ginting

Selamat Menempuh Hidup Baru Yah Ruth...

apa arti penting Credit Protector Kredit Proteksi

Credit Protector   What it is Credit Protector® helps protect your credit card payments should you lose your job, become disabled or worse. Credit Protector is optional group creditor insurance sponsored by Canadian Tire Financial Services Limited and underwritten by American Bankers Life Assurance Company of Florida and American Bankers Insurance Company of Florida, Assurant Solutions TM companies. Credit Protector Benefits Credit Protector can: pay 3% of your outstanding balance, up to $1,000 per month, should you lose your job through no fault of your own or become disabled*. pay your outstanding balance if you or your spouse pass away*, to a maximum of $20,000. pay your outstanding balance if you or your spouse are diagnosed with a terminal illness*, to a maximum of $20,000. How Much it Costs $1.10 per $100, plus applicable taxes, of your current month's outstanding balance. For example, if your stat

apa arti pentingnya credit protection/ kredit proteksi

Terms of Citibank credit insurance not well disclosed Citi's Credit Protector Program promises to safeguard people who lose their jobs by temporarily freezing payments to their credit card accounts. But a key rule isn't clearly spelled out. Insurance is one of those products you hope you never have to use. But if you do have to, you expect it to be there for you when you need it. At the very least, you don't want your insurer throwing curveballs at you with a lot of rigmarole about terms and conditions that you weren't even told about in the first place. That's the situation Dudley Johnson, 57, of Altadena found himself in after trying to get Citibank to make good on its Credit Protector Program, which promises to safeguard people who lose their jobs by "freezing payments to your Citi account for up to two years." In other words, you'll have as much as two years before you have to make any payments to your Citi credit c

Career With Mind Map

Build Your Career Master Plan with a Mind Map Melanie Pinola A career plan is a map that guides you to where you really want to go professionally. While there are several approaches to career planning and mapping your way to your next job , a mind map is an excellent tool for brainstorming and organizing your career ideas—especially if you're not sure yet what you want to do. As Farnoosh writes on the Prolific Living blog, mind maps help you visually and textually organize your thoughts in a way that gives you a structure, linking related concepts. You can use a mind map to brainstorm and discover your career purpose. This example includes what Farnoosh calls the "foundational pillars" of your career plan—things you need to explore and answer to find your ideal career and

credit Protection/Kredit Proteksi

Many card companies dumping credit-protection plans By Susan Tompor, USA TODAY Credit card holders could soon be saying good-bye to some costly add-on products that promised peace-of-mind during a disaster, such as a job loss.   And many consumer groups say good-riddance. Several consumer advocates lump credit-protection plans in the category of an expensive type of insurance that most consumers don't really need. All such offers are not dead, though, so consumers on the financial edge should move cautiously when it comes to promotions for debt-protection products and consumer insurance. Credit card protection plans are under fire for deceptive marketing practices, and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has put all institutions on notice. One concern is that the third-party outfits that often pitch these products might mislead consumers. Under a se

Credit Protection

Think Twice Before Paying for Credit Protection Security expert Bruce Schneier takes a look at services like LifeLock—you know, the one where the CEO gives out his social security number in the advertisements—and states that while the companies don't deserve the bad rep they've gotten in the press, they also provide a base service that most people could get for free, with planning and persistence: You can put a fraud alert on your own (credit bureau) account, but you have to remember to renew it every three months. You can also put a credit freeze on your account, which is more work for the average consumer but more effective if you're a privacy wonk — and the rules differ by state. Schneier notes that LifeLock does a few other things to fight against false borrowing and credit marks, but at $120/year, it's not worth it to him. How do you prevent credit fraud without shelling out, or how much would you pay

Apa arti penting Kredit Protector/Credit Protector

HSBC Insurance Brokers (Philippines) Inc. Credit Protect Plus Life is unpredictable! You'll never know what you're going to get. To get you through the tough times, we introduce Credit Protect Plus! It pays off the outstanding credit card balance in the event of cardholder's death or total and permanent disability, and the only card insurance that has Lost Card Protection and Life Events Benefit! Credit Protection Credit Protect Plus pays off the outstanding balance, including unbilled transactions (up to a maximum of P 400,000 per credit card), in the event of your death or total & permanent disability for a minimum cost of 69 cents per P 100.00 of the account outstanding balance. Lost Card Protecti

Kredit Protector (artikel 3)

Credit Protector Insurance Overview Credit Protector Insurance is an insurance policy that ensures customers are covered against paying any Contract Expenses in the event of death, retrenchment, permanent & temporary disability. In the unfortunate event of the above occurrences, Credit Protector Insurance will cover the Contract Expenses such as subscription fees and value added services. Who is covered? It is available to Nashua Mobile Customers that meet the following conditions at the time of application: must have a cellphone contract with Nashua Mobile must be individuals at least 18 and not older than 63 years of age must agree to the terms and conditions of the policy What is covered? Nashua Mobile will pay the benefits listed if the Insured Sustains bodily injury during the period of Insurance; Contracts an illness or sickness during the period of insurance which results in the de

Apa itu arti penting Credit Protector (artikel 2)

CREDIT PROTECTOR Layanan perlindungan asuransi jiwa bagi pribadi istimewa seperti Anda Tidak ada yang mengharapkan kondisi tidak menguntungkan terjadi pada diri Anda. Namun tidak ada pula yang sanggup menolaknya. Untuk itu, Kartu Kredit Platinum berupaya memberikan perlindungan maksimum bagi Anda. Bank CIMB Niaga mempersembahkan Credit Protector yang menjadi solusi ketika berada dalam kondisi yang sulit seperti saat mengalami ketidakmampuan beraktivitas karena sakit, kecelakaan atau meninggal dunia. Credit Protector akan membantu Pemegang Kartu dan orang-orang yang dicintai dari kewajiban membayar tagihan Kartu Kredit Platinum dengan perlindungan maksimum hingga 300 juta Rupiah (tiga ratus juta Rupiah). Layanan Credit Protector ini dapat Anda peroleh hanya dengan membayar premi ringan 0.55 % dari saldo tagihan kartu kredit Anda setiap bulannya. Premi ini akan ditagihkan melalui tagihan bulanan Kartu Kredit Platinum Anda. Untuk informasi dan pendaftaran

Apa itu Arti Penting Credit Protector (artikel 1)

CIMB Sun Life Hadirkan Credit Protector dan X-Tra Medika Wed, 3 Aug 2011, 12:51 WIB  Keuangan Perlindungan tagihan kartu kredit, dan rawat inap sangatlah penting karena akan membantu kestabilan keuangan nasabah sehingga tujuan keuangan dan keluarga dapat tercapai jika terjadi hal-hal yang tak terduga. Rully Ferdian Jakarta –PT CIMB Sun Life (CIMB Sun Life) meluncurkan dua produk asuransi jiwa baru, yakni Credit Protector dan Asuransi X-Tra Medika (X-Tra Medika). Kedua produk ini ditawarkan melalui jalur telemarketing kepada para nasabah Bank CIMB Niaga. Dalam keterangan pers-nya di Jakarta, Rabu, 3 Agustus 2011, Presiden Direktur CIMB Sun Life Vivien Kusumowardhani mengatakan, peluncuran dua produk asuransi jiwa terbaru dari CIMB Sun Life untuk menjawab kebutuhan keuangan nasabah CIMB Sun Life. Vivien menjelaskan, perlindungan atas tagihan kartu kredit, da

Buku Baru Philip Kotler: 8 ways to Win

"8 Ways To Win" ala Philip Kotler March 16, 2013 | By sigitkurniawan   Dunia terus berubah. Demikian juga lanskap bisnis. Peta persaingan juga berubah. Yang jelas, kompetisi makin sengit dan sering tidak terduga seperti halnya perubahan itu sendiri. Untuk memenangi persaingan, butuh strategi khusus yang kontekstual dengan zamannya. Apalagi di era di saat proses pemulihan ekonomi yang belum lama ini melanda kawasan Eropa dan Amerika Serikat. Philip Kotler baru saja menerbitkan buku barunya berjudul "Market Your Way to Growth: 8 Ways to Win" terbitan Wiley, Desember 2012. Buku ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi pemikiran dengan saudaranya yang juga pakar pemasaran dunia, Milton Kotler. Dalam buku barunya itu, Philip Kotler menawarkan delapan cara untuk menang.  Berikut adalah kutipan endorser kedelapan poin yang ditulis oleh Penerbit Wiley di situs webnya: Grow by Building Your Market Shar