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Showing posts from April 5, 2013

SMS (how to stop our relationship)

Hi Dear, Unfortunately I boring already to understand your condition. 1001 work matter 1001 family matter 1001 church matter 1001 friend matter 1001 E.T.C matter But don't worry, I don't have any interruption I just getting tired to hold person: who only think about his own business who only think about his own interest who only think about his own feeling After finish our study better we review our relationship, unless we will spend a lot time for some thing un-valuable and doesn't work. I think we have a difference vision, mission and goal to achieve on our life which is difficult to elaborate. Time being, I love you but I don't have a plan to spend my life on tears due to love you. One year I think enough to review our relationship. I don't said there's no improvement. I just the improvement is not significant. I tired to talk you nicely about it but you don't understand. Now, I hope you understand what is my concern. Thank you f